International Women's Day was celebrated the Mei Kawabata new Middle ...

Of Shin-Okubo [Islamic Alley] is exotic Yasu or gourmet ...

International Women's Day was celebrated the Mei Kawabata new Middle ... [Islamic alley] of Shin-Okubo was exotic Yasu or secluded spot of gourmet! Islamic alley. I think a few years ago, the corner entering the station of the alley came to be called like that of Shin-Okubo? Nor favorite authors make to eat ethnic food, Okubo, you go to the shopping well in Shin-Okubo neighborhood. Previously, it was often buy the food of Korea system, within which to explore the neighborhood in search of material of Indian cuisine, was aware of the presence of [halal shop] is much longer 0 years ago is the. [Halal shop] and is a shop that sells [halal] food in the sense that on the Islam of Islamic law [legal]. In Islam, not only to eat pork is forbidden, the meat of other animals there is determined from the way of processing, food other than meat There is also a strict etiquette to work, be prepared to protect it It was I only food is the [halal].