International Women's Day was celebrated the Mei Kawabata new Middle ...

Corruption culture that hinder the reconstruction of Iraq ...

International Women's Day was celebrated the Mei Kawabata new Middle ... [Middle East Watch] reconstruction of Iraq thwart corruption culture [amount of bribes too large] Year in the Sunni Muslim extremist organization that raged in Iraq to the [Islamic State] (IS), declare the mopping-up completion of the Iraqi Armed Forces day. He received the National Assembly elections of this year month, which is positioned as a refocus, but growing expectations of the reconstruction progresses, progress is so discouraging. One of the major challenges it is the eradication of corruption. To introduce the reality that experts et al told in the capital Baghdad who visited in October. [If strong leaders put ...] [Here is clean and safe. Today is going to the food court because hungry]. Young woman goons covering the head scarf was unison. Was opened last year in Baghdad [Zayunamoru] the basement floor, it is a shopping mall on the ground story. On the top floor there is also a cinema complex, there is also a skating rink using for the first time nature of ice in Iraq.